Make Authentic style Miso soup at home. Just boil water and add paste and you'll have a fine bowl of miso soup.
Does not need to be refridgerated until openThere are an abundance of styles and varieties of miso in Japan, which are slowly becoming popular in the West. The varieties can generally be broken down into white miso and red miso, the white being sweeter and the darker being saltier and more pungent.
The Taste of Shiro Miso?
Shiro miso paste or white miso is the most common style. It typically ranges from a light white to golden-colored hue and has a very slight, subtle sweetness. This lighter variety is fermented for a much shorter period of time than the darker miso style. A shorter fermentation makes for a sweeter, mellow flavored miso.
Miso is Just What the Doctor Ordered.
All-natural miso is a living food that contains beneficial microorganisms such as Tetragenococcus Halopphilus, a bacteria that is active in the fermentation process. As miso paste is made from fermented soybeans, it is a rich source of genestein, a naturally occurring isoflavone that is easily absorbed by the body & has been found to slow tumor growth in lab studies. It has also been found to help thwart off the risk of breast cancer.
The National Cancer Institute found in 2003 that women eating three or more bowls of miso soup a day cut their risk of breast cancer in half!
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